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By Blei, D.SML NBM Blei, D. M. , Griffiths, T. L. , & Jordan, M. I. (2010). The nested Chinese restaurant process and Bayesian nonparametric inference of topic hierarchies. Journal of the ACM, 57, 1-30.(pdf)
SML Griffiths, T. L. , Steyvers, M. , Blei, D. M. , & Tenenbaum, J. B. (2005). Integrating topics and syntax. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17. (pdf) (topic modeling toolbox)
SML NBM Blei, D. M. , Griffiths, T. L. , Jordan, M. I. , & Tenenbaum, J. B. (2004). Hierarchical topic models and the nested Chinese restaurant process. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16. (pdf) (winner of the Best Student Paper prize)